Mark DeVries made his mark on Emerywood Baptist Church this weekend of September 14, 15, & 16th of 2007. His presence brought extensive knowledge, organization, Leadership and spiritual vision to our Church and the Triad area. I’m not sure how many people he saw or spiritually touched while visiting our small town but his short presence made a remarkable difference in my life. Why? You ask? He never knew how much I needed to hear his Sunday (16th) School devotional. God needed me to hear these certain biblical references and warm hearted loving stories today and not tomorrow. He used Mark to convey special meanings of life and Love to me and my life with his specific reference to the Lords Prayer and how very important it is. I hope to others, you will be so inspired by someone so special as Mark was to me.
Remember to never put off or choose to miss a Sunday School or Sermon when ever a special guest comes into town, because it just might be the time God speaks to you and uses an unknown stranger to deliver a message so important for that day because no other day would impact ones life as the day God chooses to deliver that one special message that changes our life forever!
Today’s message was about LOVE. Sure I’ve heard sermon after sermon on Love but today Mark brought his own meanings to the most special word God has given us.
God's One Law For All Mankind:
All Other Rules And Commandments Are Subordinate To This One Law,
And They Must Not Conflict With It.
The Bible states it very clearly, so there can be no possible misunderstanding: the Law Of Love fulfills and exemplifies the whole Law of God.
For the whole law is fulfilled in one word,
"You shall LOVE your neighbor as yourself." (Galatians 5:14)
Everyone is our NEIGHBOR? Right? In the Parable Of The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) it was asked of Jesus who is my neighbor? Jesus answered using a priest, Levite, and Samaritan in his story and asking each who they thought was a neighbor to the robbed & half dead man from Jerusalem. Jesus said “Go and do likewise” and show mercy to all men. Therefore, "Love your neighbor as yourself" really means "Love all people as yourself," because everyone is our neighbor.
If any one says, "I love God," and hates his brother,
he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother
whom he has seen and cannot love God
whom he has not seen. (1 John 4:20)