There are times when the HOLY SPIRIT convicts others of the Christian walk to seek out ministries to give. These friends, family members, individuals, and businesses want to support our ministry and they ask and want to know “What can they do to help our ministry grow.”
You can send us a “LOVE OFFERING” that should be sent directly to Emerywood Baptist Church for “deposit” into our account. No one uses that money except us. We promise to use it to help our ministry grow and to bring joy and happiness to others in time of need or during a special holiday.
Then there is the “FOOD OFFERING” that you can bake that special home-made dessert or you can cook that really special and delicious special finger-food you’ve had the recipe pass down from your mom. We would welcome such a warm and generous food offering. We will make arrangements to pick these things up or you may drop them off at the office anytime Tuesday before our ministry program.
There are those who cannot attend our Christian Coffeehouse because of work, family, or medical conflicts. They have asked for a way they can give. The giving you give, all goes to fully support our ministry.
We have one purpose (God) and one vision (God) and yes we thank you for your continued donations and support. Having a weekly Christian Coffeehouse that reaches out to all, even the unfortunate and less fortunate, requires financial support. All who attend help in some way and they are blessed by God.
You can sit back and give nothing. God knows your heart and he knows your needs. God knows how much you have and how much could give and when you do give he promises to bless you always for your “kindheartedness”.
Give from your heart and expect nothing. God promises us he will bless our giving. Offerings come to us large & small, so give freely only what you can afford. Help us to reach out to both the Christian and the person maybe wanting to learn about Jesus. Churches have missions and the Single Person deserves special attention as well because many of them go through enduring times full of doubt, questions, hurt, and sometimes isolation. (You might just remember those times when you were single.)
Help support our Coffeehouse so that we can bring safety, security, fun, laughter, fellowship, friendship and Godly direction to all in the Triad. We pray you will make this giving your true and pure gift for God’s will and God’s purpose.